Africa Trailing Certificates
La preuve routière a gagné plusieurs niveaux de preuve ou ils imprime également que si les toiles acryliques. pharmaciemuret La thérapie aux corticostéroïdes semble controversée en raison du financement de certains établissements de santé.
First | Last | Level | Venue | Date | Evaluator(s) |
Temba | Brown | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Robert | Bryden | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2008 | Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
José María | Galán | Specialist | Royal Malewane | 4/15/2018 | Lee Gutteridge/Juan Pinto |
Lee | Gutteridge | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw/Alan Yeowart |
Wise | Hlulani | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Andrew | Kearney | Specialist | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 6/4/2023 | Lee Gutteridge/Adriaan Louw |
Andreas Carl | Liebenberg | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick/Juan Pinto |
Jacques | Louw | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Rogers | Mabaso | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw/Alan Yeowart |
Sylvester | Makhubela | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 10/1/2006 | Louis Liebenberg/Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw |
Jaffeth A. | Malapane | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 8/1/2009 | Louis Liebenberg/Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Brad | Marais | Specialist | Bateleur Safari Camp | 8/15/2024 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Glass | Marimane | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw/Alan Yeowart |
M. Phanuel | Masinga | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2007 | Louis Liebenberg/Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw |
Jabulani | Mathe | Specialist | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2013 | Louis Liebenberg/Adriaan Louw |
Nkateko | Mathebula | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Andrew Bob | Mathebula | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 4/1/2010 | Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
A. Johnson | Mhlanga | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 10/1/2006 | Louis Liebenberg/Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw |
Shadrack Elphas | Mkhabele | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2008 | Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Johannes | Mkhari | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2008 | Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Doctor | Morake | Specialist | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2016 | Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Patrick | Moyane | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick/Juan Pinto |
Zaman M. (Christoff) | Ndhlovu | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw/Alan Yeowart |
Ekson J. | Ndlovu | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 10/1/2006 | Louis Liebenberg/Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw |
Herman | Ndlovu | Specialist | Senalala, Klaserie PNR | 4/30/2022 | James Steyn |
Reneck (Scotch) | Ndlovu | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw/Alan Yeowart |
Rogers | Ndlovu | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw/Alan Yeowart |
Freddi | Ngobeni | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 8/1/2009 | Louis Liebenberg/Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Tristan | Patrick | Specialist | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Patson | Sithole | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 10/1/2006 | Louis Liebenberg/Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw |
James | Steyn | Specialist | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2016 | Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Wayne | Te Brake | Specialist | Bateleur Safari Camp, Timbavati | 8/18/2023 | Lee Gutteridge/Andreas Liebenberg |
Nikolas | Vounnou | Specialist | Bateleur Safari Camp | 8/15/2024 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Alan W. | Yeowart | Specialist | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2007 | Louis Liebenberg/Wilson Masia/Adriaan Louw |
Sipho | Zwane | Specialist | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 4/1/2011 | Louis Liebenberg/Alex van den Heever |
Mabunda | Benson | Professional | Thornybush, Monwana, RSA | 2/28/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Or | Berghaus | Professional | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Ferguson Gaborekwe | Bogatsu | Professional | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Morris | Chovede | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Oded | Davidovich | Professional | Makalali Game Reserve, Siyafunda, SA | 4/16/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Noelle | DiLorenzo | Professional | Bateleur Safari Camp, Timbavati | 8/18/2023 | Lee Gutteridge/Andreas Liebenberg |
Andre | Fourie | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2019 | James Steyn |
Difference | Hlophe | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Jack | Hutchinson | Professional | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 8/7/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Sunnyboy | Kekane | Professional | Kings Camp Timbavati, RSA | 1/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Moses | Khoza | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 1/22/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Given Big Boy | Khoza | Professional | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Nicholas | Knott-Craig | Professional | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SAholo | 7/27/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Andrew J. | Linton | Professional | Madikwe National Park, SA | 8/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Freedom | Mabunda | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 7/26/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Hendrick Ronny | Makhubela | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 7/26/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Tiyani | Makhubele | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Sydney | Makukule | Professional | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Mpho Hercules | Malapane | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Jeffery | Maluzana | Professional | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 8/31/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Brad | Marias | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2020 | Andreas Liebenberg |
John | Marimane | Professional | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands | 11/12/2015 | Lee Gutteridge |
Glen | Mathebula | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg/James Steyn |
Nkateko (Lucky) | Mathebula | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Abraham Moses | Mathebula | Professional | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Lion Sand, SA | 8/3/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Mumps Ruel | Mathonsi | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2018 | James Steyn |
Quolami | Mathonsi | Professional | Marakele National Park,SA | 4/17/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Mandla | Mathonsi | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 8/31/2024 | Colin Patrick |
James | Mdaka | Professional | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Petro | Mhlanga | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Terrence S. | Mhlanga | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
James | Mhlongo | Professional | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands | 11/12/2015 | Lee Gutteridge |
Robert Lawrence | Mkansi | Professional | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2012 | Adriaan Louw |
Joe | Mkansi | Professional | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Lion Sand, SA | 8/3/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Lot | Mkansi | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 8/31/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Wander | Mkhabela | Professional | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Kabelo Geoffrey | Mlambo | Professional | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Wise Hlulani | Mnisi | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Erik Sydney | Mokoena | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Alfred | Molefinyane | Professional | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Jacky | Molobala | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Petros | Molobela | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Boiky Politi | Monageng | Professional | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Calvin | Moropane | Professional | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 6/19/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Johannes | Moshaba | Professional | Tuli, Botswana | 8/2/2010 | Colin Patrick |
Steve | Mzimba | Professional | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands | 5/23/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Themba Jabulani | Ndhlovu | Professional | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/25/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Brayn | Ndlovu | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Reneck | Ndlovu | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
James | Ndlovu | Professional | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
Pieter | Nel | Professional | Southern African Wildlife college, SA | 3/2/2021 | Colin Patrick |
A.H. (Aubrey) | Ngobeni | Professional | Waterbuck Lodge,RSA | 2/27/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Jack | Ngomane | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Rector | Nkuna | Professional | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Tshepang Lucky | Nokane | Professional | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Eleck | Nyathi | Professional | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 11/30/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Phillip Dedecian | Nyathi | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Ntsako | Nyathi | Professional | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Kenneth | Nyathi | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 8/31/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Benett | Nyati | Professional | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2019 | James Steyn |
Dylan | Panos | Professional | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 4/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Cameron | Pearce | Professional | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 7/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Nick | Pickard | Professional | Moholoholo Game Reserve, RSA | 8/13/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Brenden | Pienaar | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Pieter | Pretorius | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Stuart | Quinn | Professional | Tuli, Botswana | 7/1/2009 | Colin Patrick |
Fanoti | Shabangu | Professional | Thornybush, Monwana, RSA | 2/28/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Omri | Shkotai | Professional | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Solly Joseph | Sibiya | Professional | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Floyd | Sibuyi | Professional | Bateleur Safari Camp | 6/1/2022 | |
Donald | Siwele | Professional | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Andrew | Taylor | Professional | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 8/31/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Giyani | Ubisi | Professional | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw/Alan Yeowart |
Noelle | Van Muiden | Professional | Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2018 | James Steyn |
Moses | Vuma | Professional | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 12/17/2019 | Colin Patrick |
David | Wiggill | Professional | Klasserie Nature reserve, SA | 12/19/2024 | James Steyn |
Solly | Xhosa | Professional | Waterbuck Lodge,RSA | 2/27/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Keith | Albracht | Level 3 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/1/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Niall J. | Anderson | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Ryan | Archibald | Level 3 | Amakhala Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Filemon Panduleni | Asheela | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Nicola | Bargiacchi | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2019 | James Steyn |
Leighton | Barnard | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 12/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Byron | Becker | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/24/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Asaf | Ben David | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 7/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Courteney | Blunden | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Ignatius | Bogatsu | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Driska | Bothma | Level 3 | Klasserie Nature reserve, SA | 3/18/2025 | James Steyn |
Frank | Bouwer | Level 3 | Pilanesberg Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Japie | Bradley | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/8/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Tayne | Bredberg | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, RSA | 8/13/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Johannes Hieronymus | Brink | Level 3 | Makuleke Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Nicolaas | Brits | Level 3 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 10/29/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Mark J. | Broodryk | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Julie | Bryden | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
Togara | Charingira | Level 3 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Liam | Charlton | Level 3 | Marakele National Park, Limpopo, RSA | 10/28/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Lucas | Chauke | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Samuel | Chauke | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Elias Malale | Chauke | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Hlengani | Chauke | Level 3 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Antony Eward | Collett | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw/Ekson Ndlovu/James Steyn |
Michael | Cook | Level 3 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/1/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Hilario J. | Cossa | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Asaf Ben | David | Level 3 | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Donald | Davis | Level 3 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 8/30/2023 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Barend Johannes | De Klerk | Level 3 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
A.J.J. (Johan) | De Kock | Level 3 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 7/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Deon Lancelot | De Villiers | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Jared | Dell'Oca | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
Jan-Shai | Deniz | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 9/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Rainforce July | Dhlamini | Level 3 | Sabi-Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Bradley | Dicks | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 8/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
David Kgotlaetsile | Difutswe | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 4/16/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Andi | Dill | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 8/7/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Bonganie | Dlamini | Level 3 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 11/30/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Thembinkosi S. | Dlamini | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
S.P.C. (Fanie) | Dreyer | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Netanel | Dwolatzky | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 7/23/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Josias Jacobus | Engelbrecht | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Lion Sand, SA | 8/3/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Robert | Fields | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SAholo | 7/27/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Rogan | Fourie | Level 3 | Thornybush, Monwana, RSA | 2/28/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Riaan | Fourie | Level 3 | Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2018 | James Steyn |
Kristi | Freese | Level 3 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/11/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Kegapetswe Samson | Gaopelo | Level 3 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Fraser | Gear | Level 3 | Londolozi, Sabi Sand Game Reserve, RSA | 5/29/2003 | Richard Siwela/Alex van den Heever |
Wes | Gibbs | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 7/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Christopher | Gillespie | Level 3 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Jacqui | Glover | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Omega | Godi | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 8/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Diana | Griffioen | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
G.S. (Gawie) | Grobler | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Stani | Groeneweg | Level 3 | Balule Nature Reserve, Nhoveni, SA | 8/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Ashley | Gulcher | Level 3 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
R. Shipisoni | Gumede | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Tshuxekani | Gumede | Level 3 | Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Lion Sands SA | 6/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Louis | Gumede | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
St John | Gunn | Level 3 | kapama Game reserve, SA | 2/9/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Tulyaameni | Hamalua | Level 3 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
James P. | Hatfield | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Quinton | HeavennTibane | Level 3 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 11/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Gabriel | Helao | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Emmanuel Candy | Hlatshwayo | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/18/2011 | Colin Patrick |
Emmanuel | Hlatshwayo | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Sydonea T. | Hlatshwayo | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Ishmael Disco | Hlongwane | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 12/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Khimbini | Hlongwane | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Richard Hlamalani | Hlongwane | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Risimati Rogers | Hlongwane | Level 3 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Ishmael | Hlongwane | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2007 | Louis Liebenberg |
Matthew | Holland | Level 3 | Waterbuck Lodge,RSA | 2/27/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Brett | Horley | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Craig Charles | Howson | Level 3 | Senalala, Klaserie PNR | 12/9/2021 | James Steyn |
Lindi | Hutchinson | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 7/26/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Werner | Immelman | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Lion Sand, SA | 8/3/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Pogiso "Africa" | Ithuteng | Level 3 | Khutse Game Reserve, Botswana | 2/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Ryan | Jack | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Dale | Jackson | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Hennie | Jacobs | Level 3 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Rudi | Jansen van Vuuren | Level 3 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Vaughan | Jessnitz | Level 3 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Mike | Job | Level 3 | Makalali Game Reserve, Siyafunda, SA | 4/16/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Mandlakayise Petros | Jobe | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Manzini | Kaizer | Level 3 | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands. | 3/25/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Herman | Kedimotse | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/18/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Richard Gezani | Khosa | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Andrew | Khoza | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg/James Steyn |
Joel N. | Khoza | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
M. Lewisi | Khoza | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 6/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Elphus | Khoza | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2007 | Juan Pinto |
Barney B. | Khoza | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Delta | Khoza | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 7/26/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Thulanie | Khoza | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, RSA | 9/2/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Godlimpi Winneth | Khumalo | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 5/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Almero Corne | Klingenberg | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 9/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Dean | Koopman | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, RSA | 8/13/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Joseph L. | Kreuzman | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2012 | Adriaan Louw |
Petrus Shafooli | Kwedhi | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/24/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Caitlin | Lanzoni | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, RSA | 8/13/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Bruce Edward | Lawson | Level 3 | Makuleke Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Greg Neville | Lederle | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Palence | Lekhuleng | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Kagiso Johannes | Letshwiti | Level 3 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Christian | Louw | Level 3 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 4/12/2023 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Mark | Lowes | Level 3 | Aardvark Nature Reserve, Western Cape, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Johan Fourie |
Martin | Lubisi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Johana Ndlamini | Mabilana | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Ralph T. | Mabunda | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Rhulani Alfred | Mabunda | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Sandile Shaun | Mabuye | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Rudolf Lebogang | Mabuye | Level 3 | Kapama Game Reserve, SA | 7/17/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Bricks Brilliant | Mabuza | Level 3 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/13/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Dougal A.I. | MacTavish | Level 3 | Pilanesberg Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Wellcent | Machabe | Level 3 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 8/30/2023 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Ernest | Maetla | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Mapoma Opie | Mafologele | Level 3 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
M. Lazarus | Mahore | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Joyce | Maile | Level 3 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 11/12/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Reuben | Maile | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2007 | Louis Liebenberg |
Goodlord | Makhubela | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/18/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Emmanuel | Makhubela | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Eric | Makhubela | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg/James Steyn |
Aubrey | Makhubela | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2007 | Louis Liebenberg |
Lawrance | Makubela | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2018 | James Steyn |
Patrick M. | Makukule | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Patrick | Makukule | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 4/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Adriaan Louw/Juan Pinto |
Bernard | Makwakwa | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/15/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Jana | Malherbe | Level 3 | Western Cape, RSA | 6/1/2016 | JJ Minye/Johan Fourie |
David | Maluleke | Level 3 | Kapama Game Reserve, SA | 7/17/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Fana John | Malwane | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Mosepele | Mamou | Level 3 | Khutse Game Reserve, Botswana | 11/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Bento Ernesto | Manhique | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Dennis | Manyike | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Jabulani F. | Manzini | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Erick Ubisi | Maqhekeni | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Johann André | Marais | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
bradley | Marais | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg |
William Omphitlhetse | Maribeng | Level 3 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
N. Difference | Marimane | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Glass L. | Marimane | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 8/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Mpilo | Mashaba | Level 3 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/13/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Adolph | Mashabane | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Sontage Robert | Mashala | Level 3 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Justice E. | Mashale | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, RSA | 9/2/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Remember J. | Mashele | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Solomon | Mashidi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Mishack | Masiye | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2012 | Adriaan Louw |
Brian T. | Masters | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Abednigo | Masuku | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Sam M. | Mathebula | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Elliot | Mathebula | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 11/13/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Formen | Mathebula | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Advocate | Mathebula | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
C. Christopher | Mathebula | Level 3 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Given | Mathebula | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg/James Steyn |
Julius Boy | Mathebula | Level 3 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Isaac | Mathebula | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Msongeya Ephraim | Mathebula | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Mateo | Mathebula | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Kaizer | Mathebula | Level 3 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Foster | Mathebula | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Lucky | Mathebula | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Million S. | Mathonsi | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Kholen | Mathonsi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Isaac | Mathonsi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 4/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Adriaan Louw/Juan Pinto |
P. Isaac | Mathonsi | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 8/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Ntsako | Mathonsi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Michael | Mathonsi | Level 3 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 8/31/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Reshine | Mathonsi | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, RSA | 9/2/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Creamson S. | Mathé | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Charles | Matlapeng | Level 3 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Elvis | Maziba | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
M. Simon | Mbambo | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Darius | Mbeki | Level 3 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
K. J. (Jock) | McMillan | Level 3 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Remove S | Mdhlovu | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Robert | Mdhlovu | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Sam | Mdluli | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Ma-Nwato Rebel | Mdluli | Level 3 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Obakeng | Medupe | Level 3 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 11/12/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Elliot | Mgiba | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Sydwell | Mgiba | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2012 | Adriaan Louw |
Selby | Mgwena | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2018 | James Steyn |
Terrence S | Mhlanga | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Patric | Mhlongo | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Philemon | Mhlongo | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Seyren | Mikael | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Bernard M. | Mkansi | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Abel M. | Mkansi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Kenny | Mkansi | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
D. Samuel | Mkansi | Level 3 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
R. Lawrence | Mkansi | Level 3 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Steven | Mkansi | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Billy | Mkansi | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
L. Simon | Mkhabela | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Eric Masinwini | Mkhabela | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Elphas Shadrack | Mkhabele | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Petro Albert | Mkhabele | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Ruel | Mkhansi | Level 3 | Kapama Game Reserve, SA | 7/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Patrick | Mkhari | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Harry Madala | Mlombo | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Caswell | Mmola | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2019 | James Steyn |
Xolani Anton | Mnguni | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Nicholus Minule | Mnisi | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/15/2011 | Colin Patrick |
Kimbini | Mnisi | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw/Juan Pinto |
Rifos | Mnisi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
George | Mnisi | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Shadrack | Mnisi | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Akanyang | Mogatusi | Level 3 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 11/12/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Pardon Thswarelo | Mokoena | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Petros Chuganang | Molobela | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Herman Bakang | Molokoane | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Noel | Mongoe | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Solly | Mongwe | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Sebula "Supula" | Monnanoka | Level 3 | Khutse Game Reserve, Botswana | 2/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Hugh | Morris | Level 3 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/25/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Solomon Kisiba | Moshidi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Caiphus | Motswakhumo | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 8/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Jack Deco | Moyani | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Derek | Mpfuexto Ntlemo | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
Jonas | Mzimba | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Eric | Mzimba | Level 3 | Leopard Hills, Sabi Sands Game Reserve, RSA | 6/25/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Sedekia Amakali | Nakaambo | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Sakeus Tileni | Nambahu | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/24/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Krest | Ndhlovu | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 11/13/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Adolph | Ndhlovu | Level 3 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 11/30/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Zaman M. | Ndhlovu | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Abednego | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 1/22/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Themba Kalane | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Dicken | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 12/1/2011 | Colin Patrick |
Isaac | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Amashco | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
J. Elmon | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Frank M. | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Trueman Bongani | Ndlovu | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 5/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Muxe | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Samuel | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands | 5/25/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Tsakane | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/27/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Johan | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Kilmon | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 8/31/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Brian | Ndlovu | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/15/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Dan | Ndubane | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Jim Grana | Ndubane | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Kimber | Nelson | Level 3 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/11/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Willis | Ngobeni | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
July | Ngobeni | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2007 | Louis Liebenberg |
Collins | Ngomane | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, RSA | 2/13/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Austin | Ngomane | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
B. Frank | Ngonyama | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
N. Enock | Ngwenya | Level 3 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Sibusiso | Ngwenya | Level 3 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 4/1/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Tal | Niv | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 9/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Phalatsa | Nkadima | Level 3 | Khutse Game Reserve, Botswana | 2/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Michael | Nkuna | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
George S. | Nkuna | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Anios | Nkuna | Level 3 | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands | 6/27/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Sibusiso Joeman | Nsele | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Thomas S’Fiso | Nsele | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Sibusisco Joeman | Nsele | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Alson Mcaki | Nsibande | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Simson Pendukeni | Ntimba | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Moses Ntwanano | Ntlemo | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Ringo | Nxumalo | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Jabulani Alfred | Nxumalo | Level 3 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Samuel Thimothy | Nyakane | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Phillip D. | Nyathi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Amukelani | Nyathi | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Eric Samison | Nyathi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 6/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Elvis | Nyathi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 6/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Foster | Nyathi | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Bennet | Nyathi | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Bob | Ollerton | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 7/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Deirdre A. | Opie | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Moatlhodi K | Otimile | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Lutz | Otto | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 3/12/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Colin | Patrick | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw/Juan Pinto |
Johanna Ramasela | Phakagadi | Level 3 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Sukwa | Poditaroma | Level 3 | Khutse Game Reserve, Botswana | 2/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Jonathan | Poppele | Level 3 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/11/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Japie | Potgieter | Level 3 | Southern African Wildlife college, SA | 3/2/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Shani | Preller | Level 3 | Amakhala Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Schalk Dietloff | Pretorious | Level 3 | Amakhala Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Oren | Prital | Level 3 | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Stuart Edward Neil | Quinn | Level 3 | Kwa-Tuli, Botswana | 9/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Balemi Herman | Rakobane | Level 3 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Gilbert | Ramonwana | Level 3 | Tuli, Botswana | 10/1/2009 | Colin Patrick |
Scott | Ramsay | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 9/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Masoba Justice | Raselo | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Sandy | Reed | Level 3 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/11/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Darryn | Rentzke | Level 3 | Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2018 | James Steyn |
Bryce | Robinson | Level 3 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Brian Andrew | Rode | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/8/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Allan P. | Ronchini | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Hafeni Tuhafeni Naukalemo | Ruben | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/24/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Trevor | Savage | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Paul Andrew | Schofield | Level 3 | Western Cape, RSA | 6/1/2016 | JJ Minye/Johan Fourie |
Panic | Sekgobele | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, RSA | 2/13/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Goodman Lucky | Seloro | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Elliot Olebile | Senosi | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Moshe X. | Shabangu | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Bheki R. | Shange | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Salomon Twiilongenyaantu | Shimweethelemi | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Lloyd | Shisana | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Culture | Shivuri | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Aviv | Shwartz | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 7/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Joseph | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Donald | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2015 | Lee Gutteridge |
Mabyaweni Richard | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Ramson Madambi | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Thaimon Jack | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Raymond J. | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Josia | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Sipho N. | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Collen J. | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Samuel Semmy | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Mangungu Braham | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Sabi-Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Dimimgu | Sibuyi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Sipho | Silaule | Level 3 | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands | 5/12/2018 | Lee Gutteridge |
Eddy | Silinda | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Richard | Sithole | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Nicholus | Sithole | Level 3 | Thornybush, Monwana, RSA | 2/28/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Moses | Sithole | Level 3 | Pilanesberg Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Abednigo | Sithole | Level 3 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/15/2015 | Colin Patrick |
M. Ranios | Siwela | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Megan | Smith | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/18/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Rachel Amanda | Smith | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2016 | Adriaan Louw |
Noam | Spector | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 7/23/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Adam | Speedy | Level 3 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 6/11/2024 | |
Mark | Stavrakis | Level 3 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Jonathan David | Strijbis | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/24/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Henry | Tarr | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Enock S. | Temba | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Elias | Thika | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
Lekukela Parthetic | Thobejane | Level 3 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Phori Amos | Thutllwa | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/18/2024 | Colin Patrick |
George | Thutlwa | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Stimela Renneck | Tivana | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Albert M. | Ubisi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Albert | Ubisi | Level 3 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Thomas Elvis | Ubisi | Level 3 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Micah D.R. | Ubisi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Mthwalo Johnson | Ubisi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Anthony | Ubissi | Level 3 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Sunday | Uugwanga | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/24/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Nelson Johane | Valoi | Level 3 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Sakkie | Van Aswegen | Level 3 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 12/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Andre | Van Rensburg | Level 3 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 10/1/2016 | Adriaan Louw |
Barend Johannes | Van Tonder | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Chantelle | Venter | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/8/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Rudi | Venter | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Rudolf | Venter | Level 3 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 9/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Evan | Vermeulen | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 8/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Ryno | Vosloo | Level 3 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 7/26/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Shaun | Watson | Level 3 | Shamwari Private Game Reserve | 11/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Ian Robert | Weerepas | Level 3 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Jonathan | Whiteman | Level 3 | Senalala, Klaserie PNR | 4/30/2022 | James Steyn |
Jonathan | Wightman | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Jacob | Williams | Level 3 | Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia | 8/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Warrick | Wrede | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 8/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Jenna | Wrede | Level 3 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 8/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Conrad | Zeelie | Level 3 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Luke | Abbot | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Graham | Adams | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Phillip | Andrew | Level 2 | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands | 5/23/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Andrew T. | Archer | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Ntwanano Agreement | Baloyi | Level 2 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 11/7/2024 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Elzette | Bam | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Africa | Banzo Arche | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Sarah | Barratt | Level 2 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 1/22/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Neil | Barten | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2012 | Adriaan Louw |
Charlie | Beardall | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 7/23/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Melinda S | Benton | Level 2 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/1/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Neta | Berghaus | Level 2 | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Kelly | Bernard | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Oliver | Binks | Level 2 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Kayla | Bloemhoff | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 9/17/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Rebecca | Boshoff | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Lientjie | Botha | Level 2 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Phillipus Jacobus | Botha | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Grant | Botha | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Frank Willem | Bouwer | Level 2 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
M. George | Boya | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Nicholas | Bredenkamp | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Fritz | Breytenbach | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
F.S. (Fritz) | Breytenbach | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Tracey | Bruton | Level 2 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 1/22/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Jan | Buiring | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Jan Harm | Burger | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 10/29/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Alain | Bussien | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Dumisane | Buthelezi | Level 2 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 2/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Darrel | Camden-Smith | Level 2 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2019 | James Steyn |
Alan | Carlston | Level 2 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 6/11/2024 | |
Gareth | Carter | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
James Oliver | Carty | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 11/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Craig | Catton | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Ompelege | Chaleko | Level 2 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/18/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Attest | Chauke | Level 2 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Ron | Chen | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Blake | Chittenden | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Adam | Christensen | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Marthinus Johannes | Coetzee | Level 2 | Sabi-Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Jason | Coetzer | Level 2 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Graham | Cooke | Level 2 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 9/17/2019 | Lee Gutteridge |
Andrew | Cox | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Laetitia | Cronje | Level 2 | Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2019 | James Steyn |
Ryan Justin | Crosley | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Brian | Dann | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Rian | De Klerk | Level 2 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 10/1/2016 | Adriaan Louw |
Boris | De Klerk | Level 2 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 6/11/2024 | |
Andre Trevor | De Koch | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Francois N. | De Kock | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 7/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Johan | De La Rey | Level 2 | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands | 5/23/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Kristian | De La Riva | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Dwayne | De Lange | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Graham | De Lange | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Izak J.J. | De Villiers | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Ian | De Weerd | Level 2 | kapama Game reserve, SA | 2/9/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Claire | Descamps | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Koen Andre Valere | Desmet | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Warren | Deyzel | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 7/23/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Kyran | Dick | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Pogiso John | Ditsele | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 8/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Wesley | Dragt | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
Jean | Du Plessis | Level 2 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Annie | DuPre-Reynolds | Level 2 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 4/12/2019 | Lee Gutteridge |
Theodory Malalo | Dudiyeck | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Pieter | Dunn | Level 2 | Amakhala Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Gezani Phineas | Dzambukeri | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Landon S. | Eades | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Diana | Eades | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Mondray | Edwardes | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2017 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Malelo Beda | Ekingo | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Christopher Charles | Elias | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Emily | Elliot | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Ryan Lee | English | Level 2 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Manie | Esterhuizen | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2017 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Carlien | Esterhuizen | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Nadav | Eyal | Level 2 | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Danelle | Ferreira | Level 2 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 8/30/2023 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Waddie Neal | Fischer | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Stefan | Fourie | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Andreas | Fox | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 4/2/2013 | Lee Gutteridge |
Boaz | Franklin | Level 2 | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
David | Friend | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SAholo | 7/27/2021 | Colin Patrick |
John | Garcia | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, RSA | 8/13/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Williem hendrick | Geerkens | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 11/5/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Gerard | Geertshuis | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SAholo | 7/27/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Matthias | Geiger | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Grant | Geoghegan | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Agathe | Gervais | Level 2 | Marakele National Park,SA | 4/17/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Mervyn | Gillespie | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Jason | Gipson | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Seumas | Grant | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Nicholas | Greeff | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
I.J. (Cobus) | Greyling | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Diana Georgina | Griffioen | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Matthew | Grobbelaar | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 9/17/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Ruvan | Grobler | Level 2 | Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Lion Sands SA | 6/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Jordan | Grove | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve,RSA | 10/7/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Ronald | Gumede | Level 2 | Leopard Hills, Sabi Sands Game Reserve, RSA | 6/25/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Patrick T. | Gumede | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Mugaza Phillip | Gumede | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Ronald Mangayiso | Gumede | Level 2 | Sabi-Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Warwick | Gunn | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Mark Robert Angus | Gunn | Level 2 | Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Ramadhani Bakari | Hamisi | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Peter | Hamming | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife college, SA | 3/2/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Danel | Hart | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Jesse | Hartig | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 11/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Deon | Hartman | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Jan Johannes | Hattingh | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Anthony | Hattingh | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Lion Sand, SA | 8/3/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Murray Brendon | Hay | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Kyle | Heunes | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Joshua | Hibbett | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Saul Giyani | Hlatshwayo | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Solomon | Hlungwani | Level 2 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Chad | Hobson | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Colin | Holden | Level 2 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 6/11/2024 | |
Brett | Holing | Level 2 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/25/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Nicholas T. | Hollzhauzen | Level 2 | Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Rudi | Hulshof | Level 2 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Jacques Arnold | Human | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Fredrik | Igelström | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Nathan | Ingram | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Stephen | Ingram | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Taryn Louise | Ingram-Gillson | Level 2 | Amakhala Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Stanley | Inmisi | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/15/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Deo Hassan | Jacob | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Juvan | Janse van Rensburg | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/23/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Michael Quintin | Jansen van Vuuren | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Edwin Zacharia | Japhet | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Philip | Jeffery | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Emma | Jenkins | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve, Siyafunda, SA | 4/16/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Keith | Jenkinson | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Conor | Johnstone | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Skye-Michael | Jooste | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/8/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Vilioen | Jordaan | Level 2 | kapama Game reserve, SA | 2/9/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Jason | Joubert | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Joshua | Judd | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 10/29/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Jannie | Jurgens | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 12/1/2011 | Colin Patrick |
Michael | Karantonis | Level 2 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Ozayr | Karodia | Level 2 | Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Lion Sands SA | 6/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Daniel | Kehmna | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Madumetga Johannes | Kekana | Level 2 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Thato | Kgosi | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Sipho | Khosa | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Rasba | Khosa | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Honest | Khoza | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 3/29/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Nsikelelo | Khoza | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 4/1/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Sipho S. | Khoza | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Sabelo | Khoza | Level 2 | Kapama Game Reserve, SA | 7/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Shane | Kloeck | Level 2 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 8/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Fred | Krantz | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife college, SA | 3/2/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Margaux | Langley | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 11/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Dean | Laubscher | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Jean-Pierre | Le Roux | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 11/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Rein v. Z. | Le Roux | Level 2 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Eugene | Le Roux | Level 2 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Phineas | Leane | Level 2 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Sophia | Lehr | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Meshack Tsietsi | Lehutjo | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 1/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Nicolas | Lenz | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Morategi Peter | Letsholo | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 3/10/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Omphemetse | Letshwiti | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 8/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Maswabi | Lewele | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Gawie | Lindeque | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 8/19/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Kevin Bert | Linforth | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Dawie | Lombard | Level 2 | Klasserie Nature reserve, SA | 12/19/2024 | James Steyn |
Aldo | Louw | Level 2 | Makahlali Game Reserve,SA | 10/9/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Bradley | Louw | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Bradley | Louwrens | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 6/19/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Shadrack | Lubisi | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
Colbert | Lubisi | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Lisa-Mari | Lutze | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Taya | Maasch | Level 2 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 1/22/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Jeffrey | Mabilana | Level 2 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/24/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Ben | Mabula | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/24/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Adam Mangungu | Mabunda | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Seun | Mabunda | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Justice | Mabunda | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 6/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Dudu | Mabunda | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Sam | Mabunda | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Ephriam Xixavi | Madhlope | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
M. Sunday | Mafogo | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Jeremia | Magomane | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 3/29/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Percy | Mahanuke | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
John Moses | Mahlaule | Level 2 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Aubrey | Maile | Level 2 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/24/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Tiyany | Makhubele | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Ephraim | Makukula | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 11/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Marcia | Makukule | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/27/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Patrick Makhevisa | Makukule | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Collen | Makwakwa | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Gustat | Malamula | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Bridget | Malepe | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Cadine | Maluleke | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/13/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Derrick | Maluleke | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 12/1/2011 | Colin Patrick |
Given | Maluleke | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Chris | Manganyi | Level 2 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Phillip | Manyeke | Level 2 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2007 | Louis Liebenberg |
Erik Ubisi | Maqheheni | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Johann A. | Marais | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Julien | Marchal | Level 2 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Gareth | Marsh | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Nelson | Marule | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Fanyana R. | Mashaga | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Staward | Masiya | Level 2 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Lizzy | Maskey | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 12/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Tyran | Masuku | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 3/29/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Orebotse Rex | Masupe | Level 2 | Tuli, Botswana | 10/1/2009 | Colin Patrick |
Jimmy | Mathebula | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Mbongeni | Mathebula | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Norman M. | Mathebula | Level 2 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Tiyan | Mathebula | Level 2 | Klasserie Nature reserve, SA | 3/18/2025 | James Steyn |
Hope | Mathebula | Level 2 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/22/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Regional | Mathebula | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Kennet | Mathebula | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Noah Tysani | Mathebula | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Sydney | Mathlhoko | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
M.L. (Lucky) | Mathonsi | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Ronald | Mathonsi | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
M. Lazarus | Mathé | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Musa Naphtal | Mayindi | Level 2 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Shane | Maziba | Level 2 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/19/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Kim | Mc Naughton | Level 2 | Klasserie Nature reserve, SA | 3/18/2025 | James Steyn |
Sean | McCabe | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Kieran | McDonald | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 11/28/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Maurice | McDowell | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 6/19/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Phillip | Mdluli | Level 2 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/24/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Sam | Mdluli | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Sifiso | Mdluli | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Jean-Pierre | Meyer | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Goodwill Giyani | Mgiba | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Themba E. | Mgiba | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Amend | Mhlanga | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Josia Smorden | Mhlongo | Level 2 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Bryce | Mitchell | Level 2 | kapama Game reserve, SA | 2/9/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Michael | Mkanse | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Ishmael | Mkansi | Level 2 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/24/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Nicolas | Mkansi | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Levi | Mkansi | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Fanie C. | Mkhonto | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Ronny | Mkhonto | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Nicholas R. | Mkhonto | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Fanie | Mkhonto | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/15/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Bernard | Mnguni | Level 2 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 2/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Anton Xolani | Mnguni | Level 2 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 5/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Rodney | Mnisi | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
J. Joram | Mnisi | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Hlulani Wise | Mnisi | Level 2 | Manyeleti Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2017 | Andreas Liebenberg |
R. Marvel | Mnisi | Level 2 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Samson Ndzunana | Mnisi | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Daniel | Mnisi | Level 2 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2007 | Louis Liebenberg |
Boyboy Moses | Modimokoane | Level 2 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Ephraim Konopi | Mogatwe | Level 2 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Sunnyboy Solomon | Mogorosi | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 3/10/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Phemelo Samuel | Mokgadi | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Eric | Mokgojwa | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Pardon | Mokoena | Level 2 | Manyeleti Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2017 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Collen | Mokoena | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/18/2011 | Colin Patrick |
Thabo | Molamudi | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Romie Jacky | Molobela | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Kgosietsile Enos | Molokwane | Level 2 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Themba | Monareng | Level 2 | Leopard Hills, Sabi Sands Game Reserve, RSA | 6/25/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Wisdom | Monareng | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 3/29/2024 | Colin Patrick |
André | Morgan | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Clerence | Moropane | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 12/16/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Aubrey | Mosehla | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Samuel | Motswagae | Level 2 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/18/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Israel Ephraim | Motswagae | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Douglous Amukelani | Mousinga | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/18/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Desiree | Mphela | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
M. Rams | Mthabini | Level 2 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Holden | Mthabini | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Lots Cizani | Mthethwa | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Nicolaas Johannes | Mulder | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Alecao | Mulhovo | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Ntshuxedo Doctor | Munetwa | Level 2 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Abed Abdul | Mwesigwa | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Trevor | Myburgh | Level 2 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Chris | Mzimba | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Emanuel Nkosinathi | Mzimba | Level 2 | Kapama Game Reserve, SA | 7/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Herdson Thabo | Ndebele | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
J. James | Ndhlovu | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Eugine | Ndhlovu | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Aubrey | Ndhlovu | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/27/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Rennico | Ndlovu | Level 2 | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands | 5/23/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
M. Million | Ndlovu | Level 2 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Cabinet | Ndlovu | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg/James Steyn |
Themba K. | Ndlovu | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Solly | Ndubana | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Mbayi Semetei | Ndulugo | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Zaccheus | Newman | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Muzi | Ngoma | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Andrew Nyange | Ngulya | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Vusi | Nhlongo | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 3/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Emile | Nieman | Level 2 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 6/11/2024 | |
Mandla Arthur | Nkuma | Level 2 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 11/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Conride | Nkuna | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/18/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Fumane Michael | Nkuna | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Themba | Noguyela | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2015 | Lee Gutteridge |
Gabanthate Claudine | Nokane | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 4/16/2023 | Colin Patrick |
R. Johnson | Ntimane | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Bradley | Nurden | Level 2 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 9/17/2019 | Lee Gutteridge |
Elvis T. | Nyathi | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Jan B. | Nyathi | Level 2 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Emanuel | Nyathi | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 3/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Richard | Nyathi | Level 2 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Shepherd M. | Nyathi | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Ernest | Nyathi | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Jarrod | O'flaherty | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 11/12/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Jana Alexandra | Ochmaun | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/13/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Kelly | Oldaker | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 11/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Hancho | Olivier | Level 2 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 11/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Luke | Ovendale | Level 2 | Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2019 | James Steyn |
Priya | Pancholi | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Sean | Pattrick | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
Barry | Peiser | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Lion Sand, SA | 8/3/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Stephan | Pelser | Level 2 | Senalala, Klaserie PNR | 12/9/2021 | James Steyn |
Maurice Mgiba | Phikani | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Kyle | Philaretou | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Clinton Roberts | Phillips | Level 2 | Mashatu Game Reserve, Bostwana | 4/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Willie | Pienaar | Level 2 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 8/31/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Brandon | Pienaar | Level 2 | Western Cape, RSA | 9/1/2015 | JJ Minye/Johan Fourie |
Aaron | Pincus | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 11/12/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Ruth | Poerning | Level 2 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 4/12/2019 | Lee Gutteridge |
Rowan | Poortier | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
David Craig | Potgieter | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Carel Rudolph | Pretorius | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Stuart E.N. | Quinn | Level 2 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
James | Raatgever | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Samuel | Rakobane | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Herman | Rakobane | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 8/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Moatlhodi Samuel | Rakobane | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 8/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Gerard | Ramage | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 11/13/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Samjohn | Ramsden | Level 2 | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands. | 3/25/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Andrew | Reeves | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 7/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Shimi | Ref | Level 2 | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Valentino | Rella | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, Nhoveni, SA | 8/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Keean | Rencken | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Nicholas | Rendall | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Dries | Reyneke | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Ebenezer | Rhode | Level 2 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 11/30/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Mark | Riley-Hawkins | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 6/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Matthew | Roberts | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Riley | Rogan | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/13/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Peter A. | Roosenschoon | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Anthony Mark | Saccone | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Collins Tawanda | Sam | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 8/2/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Christopher | Sasebola | Level 2 | Tuli, Botswana | 7/1/2009 | Colin Patrick |
Sean | Savage | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Ryan | Scheiby | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Christopher | Schoeman | Level 2 | Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2019 | James Steyn |
Simon | Schowanek | Level 2 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 4/12/2019 | Lee Gutteridge |
Otto | Scribante | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Ongaletswe "Zulu" | Segwaba | Level 2 | Khutse Game Reserve, Botswana | 2/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Gary | Seiser | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2012 | Adriaan Louw |
Thereso Sipho | Sekqobela | Level 2 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/19/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Petrus | Sethwane | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/18/2011 | Colin Patrick |
Kealeroya | Setswalo | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 4/16/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Replacement | Seya | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Sandiso Chriswell | Shabangu | Level 2 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 5/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Elvis | Shabangu | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Alan | Shabel | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/24/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Japhott | Sibuye | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 6/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Norman J. | Sibuyi | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Freddy | Sibuyi | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/18/2011 | Colin Patrick |
Dumisani | Sibuyi | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 3/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Abraham | Sibuyi | Level 2 | Leopard Hills, Sabi Sands Game Reserve, RSA | 6/25/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
German | Sibuyi | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Dimingo | Sibuyi | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Vusi Muzi | Sibuyi | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Richard | Silinda | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/15/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Boy-Boy | Sithole | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Terryan Semmy | Sithole | Level 2 | Klasserie Nature reserve, SA | 3/18/2025 | James Steyn |
Emanuel Witness | Siwela | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Jeffrey Justice | Siwelane | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Las | Siwelane | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Ross K. | Smit | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Pierre | Smith | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Dylan Anthony | Smith | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 11/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Derek | Smith | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve, Siyafunda, SA | 4/16/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Jason | Smith | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 6/19/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Megan | Smith | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SAholo | 7/27/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Matthew | Smith | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 9/17/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Michael Henry | Sojo | Level 2 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Scott | Soper | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 11/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Gino | Spano | Level 2 | Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Lion Sands SA | 6/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Collin | Steyn | Level 2 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Frik | Steyn | Level 2 | Pilanesberg Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Armand | Steyn | Level 2 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 8/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Tuhan | Steyn | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Jacobus Ras | Strauss | Level 2 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 8/30/2023 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Laura Rollán | Suárez | Level 2 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 4/12/2019 | Lee Gutteridge |
Mike | Taras | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2012 | Adriaan Louw |
Shaurya | Tarni | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 7/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Wayne Craig | Te Brake | Level 2 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Justene S. | Tedder | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Raymond I. | Temba | Level 2 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Duard | Terblanche | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 6/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Daniel | Thielke | Level 2 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 3/29/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Godsave | Thimane | Level 2 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/24/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Lekukela P. (Ceejay) | Thobejane | Level 2 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Percy | Thobejane | Level 2 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Gus | Thomas | Level 2 | Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Lion Sands SA | 6/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Lea | Thuaire | Level 2 | Klasserie Nature reserve, SA | 3/18/2025 | James Steyn |
Prescilla | Thumbu | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, RSA | 2/13/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Bonghani | Tshabanu | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 2/24/2025 | Colin Patrick |
E. Ginger | Ubisi | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Goodman | Ubisi | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Roy Zane | Ubisi | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/18/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Deceive Thulani | Ubisi | Level 2 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Peter | Ubisi | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Noa | Valtzer | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 7/23/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Dylan Peter | Van Aardt | Level 2 | Shamwari Private Game Reserve | 11/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Sebastian | Van Breemen | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Marli | Van Den Berg | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Ernst | Van Gruning | Level 2 | Madikwe, RSA | 6/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Johan | Van Rensburg | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Lozanne | Van Sittert | Level 2 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 11/7/2024 | Andreas Liebenberg |
B. J. (Banie) | Van Tonder | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Jacobus | Van Zyl | Level 2 | Western Cape, RSA | 9/1/2015 | JJ Minye/Johan Fourie |
Andrew | Venter | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Yannick | Volckaert | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Seth Derek | Vorster | Level 2 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Mlungisi Matthews | Vukela | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Sandy | WIllmore (Reed) | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2012 | Adriaan Louw |
John Richard | Wairanya | Level 2 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
James | Walker | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Stephan | Walker | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Willem J. | Ward | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Andrea B | Webster | Level 2 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 7/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Ian | Weerepas | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Kirsten | Welge | Level 2 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/11/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Kenneth Richard | Wessels | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Greg | Whelan | Level 2 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Darla | White | Level 2 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/11/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Wade | Whitehead | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw/Juan Pinto |
Thomas | Wilken | Level 2 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Terrance | Wilson | Level 2 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Stefan | Winterboer | Level 2 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Donovan | Wright | Level 2 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Fikile Benecent | Xabanisa | Level 2 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/18/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Scott | Yammin | Level 2 | Southern African Wildlife college, SA | 3/2/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Sara | Zegut | Level 2 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/8/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Sipho | Zitha | Level 2 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Richard | de Jao Jose | Level 2 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/13/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Stefan | de Weerd | Level 2 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 11/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Pieter - Roux | du Toit | Level 2 | Waterbuck Lodge,RSA | 2/27/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Gerard | geerthuis | Level 2 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 7/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Ester | van der Merwe | Level 2 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 6/19/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Collin | Adkins | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Sarah E. | Adkins | Level 1 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/11/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Marzia | Albani | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, Nhoveni, SA | 8/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Alfred Barakabitze | Alex | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Mohamedi Saidi | Ali | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Jordan | Anthony | Level 1 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/19/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Jaun Pierre | Appelgren | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 8/26/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Thomas | Armitage | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/13/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Tamaryn | Arthur | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Veronica | Baas | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Firmin Agapit | Bahati | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Chloe | Bainbridge Lane | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/13/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Mohamedi Iddi | Bakari | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Frederic | Bal | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Dino | Bargiacchi | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 11/28/2015 | Lee Gutteridge |
Ruggiero | Barreto | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 11/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Bri | Baumbach | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/24/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Joshua | Bayutun-Coward | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
John | Bebbington | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Yann | Bechet | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Nicholas Charles | Becker | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Crystal-Leigh | Bedworth | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Anaschka | Beetge | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Joshua | Benadie | Level 1 | Aardvark Nature Reserve, Western Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | JJ Minye |
Felix | Benthe | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 10/23/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Quirine | Berghs | Level 1 | Balule Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Xavier Stuart | Bester | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Charles Alexandre | Birch | Level 1 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Brandon Malcolm | Birch | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Jldiko | Bischot | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 7/23/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Jenna | Blessington | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Scott | Boake | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Tilanie | Boonzaaier | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Owen | Booysen | Level 1 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Jan Marthinus | Botha | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Johannes | Botha | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 4/1/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Luke | Botha | Level 1 | Senalala, Klaserie PNR | 6/25/2022 | James Steyn |
Jayden | Botha | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 9/10/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Eugene | Bothma | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Rosemarie | Boulter | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 2/23/2017 | Lee Gutteridge |
Rose Sabine | Braeckman | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Joshua | Brandstetter | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 1/19/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Hugo | Breed | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 8/26/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Victor | Breytenbach | Level 1 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 6/1/2022 | |
Jacques | Briam | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 8/26/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Greg | Brown | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Nelson Cornelius | Bruch | Level 1 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Werner | Brunzlaff | Level 1 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Adam | Bryan | Level 1 | Tuli, Botswana | 7/1/2009 | Colin Patrick |
Christopher | Buchan | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Philip | Buitendag | Level 1 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Emmanuel Shangwe | Bura | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Veronique | Bussien | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Vivian Page | Butler | Level 1 | Balule Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Katherine Frances | Buttermore | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2016 | Adriaan Louw |
Santiago | Cabral | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/18/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Ian | Cameron | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Justin Desmond | Carroll | Level 1 | Amakhala Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Aleisha Raelene | Carter | Level 1 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Dan | Chaknova | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/18/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Edward | Chauke | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Cryzel | Chauke | Level 1 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Anthony Hosea | Chawala | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Acima T. | Cherian | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 8/26/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Natascha | Child | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 11/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Niki | Christodoulides | Level 1 | Aardvark Nature Reserve, Western Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | JJ Minye |
Misae | Codron-Akieda | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Hugo H. | Coetzer | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Raviv | Cohen | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 4/25/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Antony | Collet | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg/James Steyn |
Antony Ewart | Collet | Level 1 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Marelize | Conradie | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
George | Copeland | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Oliver | Corbett | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 2/23/2017 | Lee Gutteridge |
Michael Masabo | Cossan | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
T. Lee | CrawCour | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Michaela | Crous | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Rajesh | Dasi | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Zoe | Davison | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 1/19/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Diana | De Bruin | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
F.W. | De Klerk | Level 1 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/14/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Johan | De Lange | Level 1 | Klasserie Nature reserve, SA | 3/18/2025 | James Steyn |
Sander Geert Erik | De Norre | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Joanne | Deer | Level 1 | Balule Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Lauren | Dent | Level 1 | Balule Game Reserve, South Africa | 3/12/2018 | Lee Gutteridge |
Leah Adelaide | Deonath | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 9/17/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Matthew | Derry | Level 1 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Andreas | Dett | Level 1 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/21/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Sylvester | Dibakoane | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 4/1/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Peter | Dippenaar | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Cameron | Dodge | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/23/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Jennifer | Draime | Level 1 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/11/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Heinz | Drittenpreis | Level 1 | Balule Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Gerhard | Du Plessis | Level 1 | Pilanesberg Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Calvin Ross | Du Plessis | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
J.C. (Liana) | Du Plooy | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Sarah | Dugdale | Level 1 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
James | Duthie | Level 1 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, RSA | 8/31/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Kelly | Dyamond | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Brandon | Eckelberry | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
David | Eigenhuis | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 10/23/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Paul | Eikemans | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 2/23/2017 | Lee Gutteridge |
Laurence | Elliott | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Lara A. | Elson | Level 1 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Aron | Erasmus | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 1/19/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
P.J. (Peter) | Erasmus | Level 1 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Hanna | Erasmus | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 2/23/2017 | Lee Gutteridge |
Kirstin | Erasmus | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Gregory | Esterhuysen | Level 1 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Callum | Evans | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Ernest Zacharia | Evarist | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Antonia | Ewald | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Mbongeni Muzikayise | Fakude | Level 1 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 5/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Cydney | Farinha | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/23/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Stefan | Fiedler | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 11/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Adin | Fivaz | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Caitlyn | Florence | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Laurence | Forget-Lacoursiere | Level 1 | Olifants West Balule Nature Reserve | 6/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Whitney | Fourie | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 11/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Sandra | Fourie | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 11/5/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Diederik | Fourie | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Eric | Fox | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Josh | Foxon | Level 1 | Shamwari Private Game Reserve | 11/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Donald | Fraser | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
William | Friend | Level 1 | Olifants West Balule Nature Reserve | 6/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Wesley | Frohling | Level 1 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 6/1/2022 | |
James | Frost | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/23/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Gregory Scott | Gaerdner | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Harrison | Garz | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Orange Pleasure | Gazide | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Oliver Michael | Gericke | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Imelda | Germishuyson | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve,RSA | 10/7/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Russell | Getkate | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Michele Mike | Gini | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Thulani Lalas | Godi | Level 1 | Ulusaba, Sabi Sands. | 3/25/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Phoebe Belle Nita | Gordon | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Sam | Gordon | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Albertus | Gouws | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Jana | Graz | Level 1 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Alexander | Green | Level 1 | Balule Game Reserve, South Africa | 3/12/2018 | Lee Gutteridge |
Barry | Greenshields | Level 1 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/21/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Diana Georgina | Griffieon | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
JÖ | Grobler | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Rickus | Groenewald | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Casper | Groenland | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Molly | Hajkova | Level 1 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/1/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Anna-Sophia | Halder | Level 1 | Balule Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Jesse | Halfon | Level 1 | Olifants West Balule Nature Reserve | 6/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Anthea | Hall | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 9/17/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Lisa | Halpin | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Jeremy | Harris | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Anna | Hatzakis | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/24/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Julia | Hay | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 4/1/2024 | Colin Patrick |
John Plilip | Haydn | Level 1 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 5/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Henne-Jan | Hennes | Level 1 | Balule Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Samantha | Hewitt | Level 1 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Jonathon | Hewson | Level 1 | Shamwari Private Game Reserve | 11/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Michael | Heyn | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Jacob | Hickey | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 11/28/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Janica | Hierath | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve | 4/28/2022 | Lee Gutteridge |
Ronald | Hlatshwayo | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Norman | Hlongwane | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Lunghile | Hlunguane | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/27/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Declan Murray | Hofmeyr | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Gaven | Holden-Smith | Level 1 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Tom | Holler | Level 1 | Klasserie Nature reserve, SA | 3/18/2025 | James Steyn |
Liezel | Holmes | Level 1 | kapama Game reserve, SA | 2/9/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Kevin | Horst | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 7/23/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Audrey | Hoss | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Carol | Howard | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 7/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Terry | Hunefeld | Level 1 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/11/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Sherilyn | Hurdle | Level 1 | Olifants West Balule Nature Reserve | 6/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Ryan Alexander | Jack | Level 1 | Thornybush Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
James | Jackson | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 1/19/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Alex | Jackson | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 7/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Jacob Julian | Jacob | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Johan | Jacobs | Level 1 | Kariega Private Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Etienne | Jacobsz | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Mark | Jan van Rensburg | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Christie | Janse van Rensburg | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Johannes Hermanus | Jansen | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Andre | Jansen | Level 1 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 8/1/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Gregory | Jarvis | Level 1 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Neil Colin | Jennings | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Jeremy | Jones | Level 1 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Sanette | Jonker | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Kyla | Jordaan | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 11/5/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Ruth | Joubert | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Tristan | Joubert | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 4/1/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Amiri Athumani | Juma | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Idrisa Ibrahim | Kassam | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
C.I. (Chris) | Katane | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Seamus | Kay | Level 1 | Amakhala Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Daniel Frank | Kehmna | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Vincent | Keichel | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 10/23/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Declan | Kelly | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Steven Edward | Kern | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2016 | Adriaan Louw |
Lizah | Kgwedi | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Chriswell | Khoza | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Prince | Khoza | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/26/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Clement G. | Khoza | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Keitumetse Andrew | Khunou | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 3/10/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Otlotleng | Khupari | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Dickson Mwita | Kiambura | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Busoka Mwinyi | Kibinda | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Cavin Emery | Kirchmann | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Andrew | Kirton | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Meline | Klopfenstein | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Johannes | Klunder | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Matthew | Knibb | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Abel | Koomen | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 10/23/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Daniel | Koopowitz | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/23/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Innocent Nestory | Koshuma | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Gabriele | Kossmann | Level 1 | Balule Game Reserve, South Africa | 3/12/2018 | Lee Gutteridge |
Daniel | Kriedemann | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Morné Jan | Kriel | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 9/17/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Etienne | Krige | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 7/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Dylan | Kritzinger | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 10/29/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Johannes Joaghim | Kruger | Level 1 | Sabi-Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Stefan | Kruger | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 9/17/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Belinda | Kruger | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Kenneth | Kubayi | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Mabuti Jefferey | Kubjana | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 1/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Stephanie | Kulek | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Pieter Daniël Francois | La Grange | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Richard | Lamprecht | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Joseph | Lashley | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve | 4/28/2022 | Lee Gutteridge |
Jan | Last | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Kersey | Lawrence | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Nannette | Le Roux | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Warren | Leahy | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Aileen | Leask | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 8/26/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Athuman Simbiri | Lemshanga | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Mbeeya Shangwa | Lengaruka | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Bronwyn | Lennon | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Brandon | Leong | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Jessica | Lind | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Jonathan | Lipchik | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Angie | Locker | Level 1 | Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Brenton | Lockets | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 10/23/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Johan Francois | Loots | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Jared | Lourenco | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Henlo | Lourens | Level 1 | Makahlali Game Reserve,SA | 10/9/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Johan | Louw | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
David | Lubbe | Level 1 | Makahlali Game Reserve,SA | 10/9/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Stye | Ludbrook | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 10/29/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Chelsea | Lundblad | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 2/23/2017 | Lee Gutteridge |
Noami Omari | Lyoyo | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Lara | Löffler | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Lucky | Mabasa | Level 1 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Christine | MacKenzie | Level 1 | Olifants West Balule Nature Reserve | 6/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Mark J. | MacNeillie | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Jenna | Maclachlan | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 11/5/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Sunday John | Madege | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Isreal Kagiso | Magano | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Frank Magtsa | Magesa | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
MandIa | Mahlangu | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Robin | Mahne | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Lucas L. | Makamu | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Ronald | Makhubele | Level 1 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Tsakani | Makuleke | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Haward | Makwakwa | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Thomas Khazamiua | Maluleke | Level 1 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Phillip | Malumane | Level 1 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/19/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Sipho | Mambo | Level 1 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Thomas Nicas | Maneno | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Mpho | Mangena | Level 1 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/18/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Ambrose Eliud | Manwa | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Justine Aloyce | Manyasi | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Robert | Manzini | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 6/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Goodwill | Manzini | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Joshua | Marais | Level 1 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/21/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Jean | Marais | Level 1 | Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Taiko Olesalei | Marali | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Antoine | Marchal | Level 1 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Nicolaas | Maree | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Marla | Maree | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Ronald | Maremane | Level 1 | Marakele National Park,SA | 4/17/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Madél | Marx | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Francois | Maré | Level 1 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Kennith Manghaveni | Mashaba | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Daniel Silence | Mashaba | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Phillip | Mashia | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 12/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Megan Elizabeth | Matern | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Israel | Mathebula | Level 1 | Manyeleti Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2017 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Mfana Renias | Mathebula | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Vusi Goodman | Mathebula | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Adolf | Mathebula | Level 1 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/18/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Poundy Edwell | Mathebula | Level 1 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Abednigo | Mathebula | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2018 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Mbongeni | Mathebula Thamsa | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Sakhile Patrick | Mathenjwa | Level 1 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 5/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Frank Saganda | Mathias | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Xihangalansi Isac | Mathonsi | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Albert | Mathonsi | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Simon Kucas | Matiko | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Emma | Matthews | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve,RSA | 10/7/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Sikujua Mohamedi | Mbaraki | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Doylance Vusi | Mbumgela | Level 1 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/25/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Derek Samuel Morrow | Mc Bride | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 11/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Kayla | McClelland | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, Siyafunda, SA | 4/16/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Joseph Robert John | McCulloch | Level 1 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Brendon L. | McMillan | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Daniel | Meechol | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Robert | Meineke | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Stefan | Meiring | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 11/12/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Mario C. | Mendes | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Helene | Mertens | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Jake | Metcalfe | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 11/28/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Sabelo | Metiso | Level 1 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/24/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Herold | Mgiba | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 5/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Kruger | Mhlaba | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Michael Lourance | Mhlanga | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Jonas L. | Mhlongo | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Batista Egidi | Mhumba | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Emmanuel Semle | Michael | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Patrick | Michael | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Carissa | Michaud | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Lea | Milde | Level 1 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/25/2024 | Colin Patrick |
David | Miles | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Chenya Samwel | Mkoma | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Simon | Mnisi | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 2/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
B Morries | Mnisi | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 4/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Ray Wisdom | Mnisi | Level 1 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
M. Elias | Moasi | Level 1 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Seaera | Moe | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/24/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Revalation | Mogakane | Level 1 | Kings Camp Timbavati, RSA | 1/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Tecla | Mohr | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Spencer | Mohr | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Basimane Aubrey | Mokgatlhe | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2014 | Adriaan Louw |
Remember Motsekeng | Mokgope | Level 1 | Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Peter | Molobela | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 3/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Johannes Thabo | Moloi | Level 1 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Domani Tervin | Moluli | Level 1 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, RSA | 2/13/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Peter | Monyeki | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2019 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Larene | Moolman | Level 1 | Marakele National Park,SA | 4/17/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Scotch Piet | Moropane | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 6/26/2024 | Colin Patrick |
H. S. (Jim) | Mosoma | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 12/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Maxwell | Msani | Level 1 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 2/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
Gaston Phinias | Mtaki | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Nokwanda | Mthembu | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve,RSA | 10/7/2023 | Colin Patrick |
William | Mthetho | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 4/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Sascha | Mueller | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Kastuli Gadiye | Muhale | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Ananias Kamanda | Muhingi | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Matthieu | Muller | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Brendan | Munday | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 2/23/2017 | Lee Gutteridge |
Samwel | Mungure | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Shane | Murdock | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 4/12/2019 | Lee Gutteridge |
Darryn | Murray | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 8/26/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Davison Dastan | Mutani | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Jackson Raphael | Mwaipungu | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Paulo Raiton | Mwamakula | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Peter Kamau | Mwangi | Level 1 | Olifants West Balule Nature Reserve | 6/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Veraav | Nagdutt | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 9/17/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Samuel Thapelo | Nameng | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 4/16/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Aman Raymond | Nderio | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Rixios | Ndhlovu | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Judas Brayn | Ndlovu | Level 1 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Vusi | Ndlovu | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Colin Patrick |
Jacques Pierre | Neizel | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 5/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
A.J. (John) | Nel | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Johan | Nel | Level 1 | Senalala, Klaserie PNR | 6/25/2022 | James Steyn |
André | Nell | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Phanuel | Ngomani | Level 1 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Shadrack Proof | Ngoveni | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Victor Sicelo | Ngubande | Level 1 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Bheki Christopher | Ngubane | Level 1 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 5/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Civilised Nebraska | Ngwenya | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 2/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Duncan | Ngwenya | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Colin Patrick |
Petro | Nhlanga | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
James | Nicholls | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 11/12/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Charlotte | Nicolson | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Terance Luke | Nieuwoudt | Level 1 | Western Cape, RSA | 8/1/2016 | JJ Minye/Johan Fourie |
Menina | Nightingale | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 4/16/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Raphael | Nils | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
David Julius | Nkenga | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Makungu | Nkosi | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 3/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Milton | Nkuna | Level 1 | Kapama Game reserve, SA | 8/31/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Daniël | Nothnagel | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 11/12/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Mduduzi | Nsele | Level 1 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 2/1/2008 | Alex van den Heever |
John R | Ntarisha | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Innocent Richard | Nzomo | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Daniel | O'Connor-Pretorius | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 9/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw |
Chris | Oelschlaeger | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2012 | Adriaan Louw |
Lekishon M | Olenasha | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Charles | Onwood | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Tanita | Oosthuizen | Level 1 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Etienne | Oosthuizen | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 8/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Luis | Organista | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Cristobal | Ortega | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Michaela | Page | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Alice | Paghera | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Gary | Parker | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Joshua | Parmer | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Julian | Payne | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Daniel Geoffrey | Peel | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Maxine | Pelligra | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Godlisten Baltarazy | Peter | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Melchize | Peterson | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Senzo | Phoku | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 3/29/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Dean Luke | Pieters | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 4/16/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Kayla | Pieterse | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 4/1/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Tara-Jane | Pirie | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Gregory | Pitts | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Steven | Pitts | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Leslie | Polizoti | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 8/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Lukas | Poloncic | Level 1 | Greater Makalali Nature Reserve | 7/1/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Storm | Porteous | Level 1 | Marakele National Park,SA | 4/17/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Greg | Posthumus | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Hermanus Philippus | Potgieter | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Nick | Poupard | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Grace Aliya | Powell | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 8/1/2016 | Adriaan Louw |
Joshua | Pretorius | Level 1 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 11/7/2024 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Marco | Pretorius | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Werner | Pretorius | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 8/26/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Luan | Pretorius | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Juan | Proll | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/18/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Joseph Omphile | Pule | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, SA | 4/16/2023 | Colin Patrick |
David Tan Wei | Qiang | Level 1 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Christian | Rabie | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Jan | Rademaker | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, Nhoveni, SA | 8/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Hayden | Rattray | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Tina | Rau | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Luke | Raubenheimer | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/23/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Timothy | Raven | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Massimiliano | Rebuzzi | Level 1 | Selati Game Reserve, RSA | 12/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Jared | Reid | Level 1 | Black Rhino Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 7/1/2015 | Adriaan Louw |
Coandri | Reyneke | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Mark | Richardson | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 7/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Garrick | Richardson | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Christian | Rink | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SAholo | 7/27/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Geoffrey | Robbert | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Johannes Nicolaas | Robenheimer | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Sean Nicholas Louis | Robertson | Level 1 | Greater Makalai Conservancy, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Kiaran | Roediger | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Pieter | Roets | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/18/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Natalie | Rogers | Level 1 | Tuli, Botswana | 7/1/2009 | Colin Patrick |
Kerry | Ross | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 10/29/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Jean-Pierre | Rostoll | Level 1 | Kariega Private Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 8/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Laurie | Roux | Level 1 | Mabula Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Gareth | Royall | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 2/23/2017 | Lee Gutteridge |
Rasud Omary | Sadick | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Dyan | Sakinofky | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve,RSA | 10/7/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Gabriel | Sandu | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 4/1/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Jason | Savage | Level 1 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
David | Scarisbrick | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Heather Fiona | Scarlett | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Benjamin | Scheepers | Level 1 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, RSA | 2/13/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Shanri | Scheepers | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 2/23/2017 | Lee Gutteridge |
Hanro | Scheepers | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 3/29/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Corna | Scheepers | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve RSA | 4/1/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Kian | Schmeling | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 11/28/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Schonita | Schoeman | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Dewar | Scholtz | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Jeremy | Schreiner | Level 1 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 8/30/2023 | Andreas Liebenberg |
Seonaid | Scoular | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Shannon Anita | Scullion | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 11/5/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Jerity Maxwell | Seepane | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Jonathan Samuel | Selesnick | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Godfrey | Senokwane | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Jessica | Senyard | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 10/23/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Clavis | Shaw | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 2/23/2017 | Lee Gutteridge |
William Martin | Shemboza | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Mark | Sheppard | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 7/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Rio | Shimakura | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/13/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Asaf | Shmulevich | Level 1 | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
M. Derrick | Shobede | Level 1 | Makalali Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 3/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Joshua Lesananda | Siara | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Adolph Hanyeiine | Sibuyi | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Bongani | Sibuyi | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Patrick Tonny | Sibuyi | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
Reckson | Sibuyi | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2013 | Adriaan Louw/Lucas Mathonsi |
M. Douglas | Sibuyi | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 9/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Max | Silvester | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 1/19/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Nick | Sims | Level 1 | Balule Game Reserve, South Africa | 3/12/2018 | Lee Gutteridge |
Emma | Sinnett | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Eckson | Sithole | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 12/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Solly R. | Sithole | Level 1 | Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 4/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Edward | Sithole | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 4/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Adriaan Louw/Juan Pinto |
Dunisani Dlokwakhe | Sithole | Level 1 | KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Louis Liebenberg |
Georges Manyama | Siwa | Level 1 | Ngorogoro Crater National Park, Tanzania | 2/29/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Talley Popham | Smith | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Wendy | Snyman | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 11/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Johannes Jurie | Snyman | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 11/7/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Jansen Charl | Snyman | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Michelle | Sole | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Franziska | Sommerlatte | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Liam | Souter | Level 1 | Madikwe National Park, SA | 4/18/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Flora | Spaeth | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve | 4/28/2022 | Lee Gutteridge |
Stephan | Spangenberg | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Ruan | Spies | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/23/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Christina | Spray | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 6/17/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Mark | Sreinfeld | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Joshua | Stacey | Level 1 | Bateleur Safari Camp | 6/11/2024 | |
Phillip Carl | Steffny | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Natalie Jeanette | Steiner | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Arló | Steyn | Level 1 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Courtney | Steyn | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/4/2015 | Colin Patrick |
Phillip-Vincent | Steyn | Level 1 | Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Tjaart | Steyn | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Barend | Steyn | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Okker | Stolz | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 3/1/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Martin | Stone | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 4/1/2016 | Andreas Liebenberg/Adriaan Louw/Juan Pinto |
Vanessa | Strydom | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 12/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Hendrik | Strydom | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/18/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Rutger Daniêl Francois | Stubbé | Level 1 | Balule Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Sven-Olaf | Sturm | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
James Baltazari | Sulle | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Amanda | Sunderland | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/18/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Marius | Swart | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 1/1/2012 | Colin Patrick |
Zane | Swart | Level 1 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Tom | Swart | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 9/17/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Lindi Zuleicka | Taljaard | Level 1 | kapama Game reserve, SA | 2/9/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Ryan | Theys | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 9/28/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Iris | Thiriaux | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 5/18/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Rowan David | Thomas | Level 1 | Makalali Private Game Reserve, RSA | 10/5/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Cornelia | Thurmann | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 11/28/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Eliamini Luciani | Tluway | Level 1 | Nyerere national Park, Tanzania | 7/6/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Thomas Jeffrey | Tolchard | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Ethan | Tooch | Level 1 | Makahlali Game Reserve,SA | 10/9/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Bronte | Traynor | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Kerri Jane | Tremeer | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 3/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Magda | Trüter | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Michael Antony | Tumbo | Level 1 | Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, RSA | 6/1/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Alex | Tweedie | Level 1 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Charl | Ubbink | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/23/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Kenneth | Ubisi | Level 1 | Kapama Game Reserve, RSA | 1/24/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Martin | Ubisi | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 3/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Lucky | Ubisi | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, RSA | 8/13/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Amy | Upton | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/8/2016 | Colin Patrick |
Anne-lieke | Van Dam | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Duan | Van Den Berg | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Christo | Van Rensburg | Level 1 | Pilanesberg Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Zjak | Van Schalkwyk | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Kobus | Van Staden | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Rickus Karel Frederick | Van Tonder | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2008 | Adriaan Louw |
Eljane | Van Tonder | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 11/13/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
C.J. (Corrie) | Van Wyk | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, Limpopo, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw/Colin Patrick |
Jessé-Lee | Van den Bergh | Level 1 | Balule Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Adriaan Louw |
Alicia | Van den Bergh | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Theuns | Van der Bergh | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 2/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Ruan | Van der Merwe | Level 1 | Shamwari Private Game Reserve | 11/9/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Piet | Van der Merwe | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 12/1/2003 | Adriaan Louw |
Carlos | Vandeponseele | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve | 4/28/2022 | Lee Gutteridge |
Joubert | Venter | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Rika | Venter | Level 1 | Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 9/1/2005 | Adriaan Louw |
Beatrix | Verheyen | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 10/23/2023 | Lee Gutteridge |
Ariel | Viljoen | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Mark | Viljoen | Level 1 | Pilanesberg Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 4/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Andrew James | Viljoen | Level 1 | Madikwe Game Reserve, NW Province, RSA | 6/1/2009 | Adriaan Louw |
Javier | Villegas | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Daphne | Vlietman | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SAholo | 7/27/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Arome | Vuma | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 6/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Brad | Waggoner | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
Darren | Walker | Level 1 | Marakele National Park,SA | 5/21/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Neil | Walker | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Robynne | Wasas | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 10/1/2017 | Colin Patrick |
William Oliver | Weaver | Level 1 | Zululand Rhino Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/1/2014 | Colin Patrick |
Stuart | Wedge | Level 1 | Moholoholo Mountain View, RSA | 12/7/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Dale Spencer | Wepener | Level 1 | Timbavati Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, RSA | 11/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Lauren | Werth | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 10/1/2004 | Adriaan Louw |
Paul | Werthmueller | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Ethan | White | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College, SA | 9/22/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Janice | Whitlock | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 11/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Rachel | Whorton | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Carl | Whorton | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 6/1/2011 | Adriaan Louw |
Keegan | Williams | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Reece | Willox | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 10/18/2018 | Colin Patrick |
Divan | Wolmarans | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Shemesh | Yaarran | Level 1 | Palmachim, ISRAEL | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Lance D. | Young | Level 1 | Kruger National Park, RSA | 7/1/2006 | Adriaan Louw |
Oliver | Yuen | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve, Limpopo, RSA | 4/1/2007 | Adriaan Louw |
Emile | Zilliox | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Bjorn | de Bruin | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 11/28/2015 | Lee Gutteridge |
Darian | de Bruin | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 5/6/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Benjamin | de Jonge | Level 1 | Balule Game Reserve, South Africa | 3/12/2018 | Lee Gutteridge |
Henriette Elza | de Klerk | Level 1 | Makalali Game Reserve, RSA | 11/5/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Shea-lyn | de Lange | Level 1 | Amakosi Private Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, RSA | 7/6/2019 | Colin Patrick |
Valerie | de Vries | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 11/12/2020 | Colin Patrick |
Justin | de la Rey | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Nienke | du Preez | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, RSA | 5/28/2023 | Colin Patrick |
Richard | v.d Sluijs | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, RSA | 8/13/2022 | Colin Patrick |
Claudia | van Bavel | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve | 4/28/2022 | Lee Gutteridge |
Matthew | van Binsbergen | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 5/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Femke | van Nieurwkerk | Level 1 | Moholoholo Game Reserve, SA | 3/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Johan | van Rooyen | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, Nhoveni, SA | 8/11/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Wernich | van Staden | Level 1 | Kapama Private Game Reserve, RSA | 2/13/2025 | Colin Patrick |
Lezahne | van Wyk | Level 1 | Ngala Training Camp, Balule | 11/28/2015 | Lee Gutteridge |
Soene | van Zyl | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Jannus | van den Berg | Level 1 | Marakele National Park, SA | 11/16/2024 | Colin Patrick |
Andre | van der Hout | Level 1 | Ngala Camp, Balule Nature Reserve | 2/17/2020 | Lee Gutteridge |
Cade | van der Merwe | Level 1 | Makalali Private Nature Reserve | 1/19/2024 | Lee Gutteridge |
Kyla | van der Merwe | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 8/26/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Remi | van der Stok | Level 1 | Balule Nature Reserve, RSA | 8/30/2021 | Colin Patrick |
Hendrik | van der Wal | Level 1 | Entabeni Game Reserve | 8/26/2012 | Lee Gutteridge |
Regardt | van der westhuizen | Level 1 | Southern African Wildlife College,SA | 2/20/2024 | Colin Patrick |
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