Conference Schedule

The detailed conference schedule can be viewed here (PDF).

You will be choosing between 2-3 concurrent presentations throughout the schedule, but all talks will be recorded and available for 3 months after the conference weekend. You are welcome to drop in and out of different sessions at any point in time. The numbered session “groupings” simply indicate that those two talks will be taking place back-to-back in the same Zoom Meeting.

Here’s a broad overview of the schedule (all timings are listed as Pacific Daylight Time, GMT-07:00):

Saturday, March 18

8:00 am Welcome from Tracker Certification, introductions, overview of the weekend (15 mins)
8:15 am Breakout room greetings (15 mins)
8:30-10:00 am Morning Presentation Session – 3 concurrent sessions (90 mins)
30 min break
10:30-11:30 am Midday Session – 2 concurrent sessions (60 mins)
30 min break
12:00-1:30 pm Afternoon Presentation Session – 3 concurrent sessions (90 mins)
Long afternoon break (3.5 hrs)
5:00-6:00 pm Evening “Virtual Campfire” Session (60 mins)

Sunday, March 19

8:00 am Updates on Tracker Certification’s latest initiatives and opportunities (15 mins)
8:15 am Breakout room greetings (15 mins)
8:30-10:00 am Morning Presentation Session – 3 concurrent sessions (90 mins)
30 min break
10:30-11:30 am Midday Session – “Virtual Expo” Exhibitor Meet-and-greet (Drop-in, 60 mins)
30 min break
12:00-1:30 pm Afternoon Presentation Session – 3 concurrent sessions (90 mins)
1:45 pm Closing remarks and thanks (15 mins)