Mark Elbroch is the Director of Science for Pumas and Jaguars at Panthera, and author/coauthor of 10 books on natural history. Mammal Tracks and Sign and Bird Tracks and Sign remain standards for the field. Mark earned his Senior Tracker Certificate in South Africa in 2005 and is the Initial Evaluator for CyberTracker Evaluations in North America. Mark was incredibly humbled to receive an honorary Master Tracker certificate in 2015 for his contributions to the field.

Jonah Evans is the State Mammalogist for Texas Parks and Wildlife. He is the author of iTrack Wildlife, a smartphone field guide to animal tracks and co-author of Animal Tracks and Scat of California.
Jonah has a Masters degree in Wildlife Science from Texas A&M University and a Bachelors in Environmental Studies from Prescott College.
Jonah maintains, a website and blog dedicated to animal tracks.
Jonah Evans
Central Texas

Nate Harvey evaluates trackers for CyberTracker Conservation in both Trailing and Track & Sign Identification. Additionally, he teaches Trailing in workshops near his home in southern Vermont and around the country.
Please visit to contact Nate and for more information about him and his work.
Nate Harvey
Marlboro, Vermont

George Leoniak has passionately explored the subject of animal tracking for over 20 years, and in 2010 he earned his Senior Tracker certificate. Besides conducting track and sign evaluations he also teaches general animal tracking courses and conducts field research on wildlife corridors throughout New England. He has an M.S. through Antioch University in Conservation Biology, and a B.A. from Marlboro College in Biology and Psychology.
George Leoniak
Marlboro, VT

Brian McConnell became a Senior Tracker in 2008 and has been an evaluator for Cybertracker specializing in trailing since 2009. Brian contributed stories for Practical Tracking and photos for Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest. He is an avid hunter and outdoorsman, a member of the Washington state Master Hunter program, and a passionate naturalist. Brian enjoys mentoring new hunters and watching people working their first bear trail. He currently conducts trailing evaluations, trainings and workshops around his home in Washington state and throughout North America.
Brian McConnell
Seattle, WA

Casey McFarland is the co-author of Bird Feathers: A Guide to North American Species (Stackpole 2010). He currently contributes to various wildlife projects, including wildlife connectivity and carnivore studies, and has worked extensively in mountain lion research. He trains and certifies biologists, research teams and the general public across the US and Europe through the CyberTracker Conservation evaluation system, an international standard for gauging and enhancing one’s in-field knowledge of track, sign and behavior of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.
Casey also has been involved in general environmental education for over a decade, instructing and presenting on various topics in venues ranging from Audubon Chapters and state agencies to the Sierra Club.
Casey McFarland
Alburquerque, NM

David Moskowitz is a professional biologist, photographer, and outdoor educator. He is the author of two books Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest and Wolves in the Land of Salmon.
David has contributed his technical expertise to a wide variety of wildlife studies regionally and in the Canadian and U.S. Rocky mountains, focusing on using tracking and other non-invasive methods to study wildlife ecology and promote conservation. He helped establish the Cascade Citizen Wildlife Monitoring Project, a citizen science effort to search for and monitor rare and sensitive wildlife in the Cascades and other Northwest wildlands.
To see a schedule of upcoming evaluations David will be delivering along with classes and talks click here.
David Moskowitz
Winthrop, Washington