Hosting a Certification
Any individual or organization is welcome to host an Evaluator to deliver a certification in their area. The process begins with reaching out for scheduling.
Each Evaluator has a unique style, but the certification process is the same. If you have a prior relationship with an evaluator or would like to request someone in particular, please contact them directly. Otherwise, send us a general query, and we’ll be in touch soon. We’ll always prioritize the closest evaluator to reduce travel costs, but all Evaluators are qualified to come to any location in North America at any time of year.
Request a Hosting Info Packet for More Details
The Host Packet includes detailed suggestions, a pricing chart, and planning checklist
Track & Sign:
CyberTracker Evaluators charge $2500 (plus travel expenses) for delivering a Track & Sign certification. Certifications are limited to 10 participants. Hosts are responsible for recruiting, logistics, and communication with participants and any required land use permits. Some hosts provide lodging for the event, others do not. The participant fee (if any) is set by the host. Specialist certifications require 2 Evaluators (one Primary and one External) and cost a flat fee of $5000 (all travel is included).
Trailing Certification fee is $1760 plus travel cost (if any). Travel costs are to be negotiated with the evaluator based travel requirements. This does not include host organization’s fees (if any). Maximum of 4 participants per 2 day evaluation block. Specialist Trailing cost are to be arranged with the Evaluator and External Evaluator.
One-Day Track & Sign:
We also offer a One-Day Track & Sign certification as an introduction to the process and general training tool. Participants are able to earn a Level I Track & Sign Certificate. These events cost $1750 (plus travel costs) and are limited to 14 participants.