Congratulations to Sophie Mazowita for earning Track and Sign Specialist in Central New England with evaluators Nate Harvey (left) and David Moskowitz (right).

TCNA’s own Operations Manager, Sophie Mazowita, demonstrated her exceptional wildlife tracking skills this past week, earning a Track and Sign Specialist certificate in central New England with evaluator Nate Harvey and external evaluator David Moskowitz. Sophie’s professional involvement in wildlife tracking, guiding and conservation is deep and varied from guiding wildlife watching experiences in the Rockies to teaching closer to her home in the northeastern United States. She runs Tracking Connection from her home in Jeffersonville Vermont, offering educational and consulting services related to wildlife tracking and she is the Community Science Coordinator for the conservation organization Cold Hollow to Canada.

Over two rigorous days of the evaluation Sophie was tested on everything from the obscure signs of small mammals feeding on hickory nuts to the interpreting the behavior of white-tailed deer from their tracks and signs, as well as the tracks and signs of carnivores including weasel, otter,skunk, raccoon grey fox, coyote, bobcat, and black bear as well as dozens of other tracks and signs. Nothing seemed to slow her down for very long as she walked through the evaluation. Sophie demonstrated the skill of a local expert practicing her craft in her local environment, an inspiration and education for everyone that had the chance to participate in the event. Congratulations Sophie and thanks for all your work to advance the craft of wildlife tracking and promote wildlife conservation across North America!